Sunday, February 13, 2011

Prayer, fasting and abstinence for a special intention ...

will mean this blog will be on hiatus for the next 14 days.

We have seen a house that is available for sale ... an 1838 house that is in a perfect spot, cutting dh's commute 30 minutes EACH way, near all the friends we have down here, and more than 1.5 acres around the house (so LOTS of play area for the kids). I SOOO want to move to this house ...


we'd need a major miracle to have all things come together. In asking God's divine providence to "kick in", I am planning to fast (drinking only tea/water/coffee and not eating any sweets), to pray more (by going to daily Mass and carving an hour out of each day for prayer time), and to (and this is a BIGGIE for me) abstain from the Internet (by only checking email twice a day and not doing anything else online).

We are asking for a clear sign from God whether or not to pursue this house ...

So I will update you all on this intention on March 1st (which is also String Bean's 11th birthday). Will you please add your prayer to my self-imposed sacrifices while I'm away?

Enjoy the journey
Mary C. Gildersleeve
By Hand, With Heart -- hand-knit designs

1 comment: said...

Very good luck to you and stay strong.