Monday, January 03, 2011

New Year's Resolution: to post more on here!

So, 2011 is on its third day and I have a resolution to post more on this lovely knitting blog!  The upside is I was so busy knitting the last few days that I haven't had TIME to post ... but that begs the question of posting more a bit doesn't it?

On my knitting needles:  finishing a vest (originally planned to be a cardigan, but the yarn told me to stop already!) and planning my next Spring Gate Farm cashmere project -- a two-color headband. 

On my reading table:  re-reading for the umpteenth time Maggie Righetti's classic, Sweater Design in Plain English.  This really is a must-read for anyone wanting to make sweaters that truly fit.  It's a bit dated (she doesn't even mention blogs or Ravelry or much internet-y stuff) but well-worth the read.  St. Martin's Press is coming out with a "second edition" in April 2011 -- I'm trying to get a review copy (and maybe a copy or two to giveaway) so I can see just what they've added (some 100 pages to the original count)!  Will keep you posted.

Happy 2011 and may all your knitting time be frutiful ... may you felt when you want to (and not by accident) ... and may you show thru your love of knitting just how cool and fun it is!
Enjoy the journey!
Mary C. Gildersleeve
By Hand, With Heart -- hand-knit designs


KC said...

Oh, good! I love reading about what you're working on.

Mary G said...

KC ... you are so sweet ...

Blessings for a holy and healthy 2011!

Gregory "Artman Greg" Huff said...

God bless you and have a wonderful new year! How about a slice of watermelon? No, not to eat; to knit!