Thursday, May 11, 2006

A Fun Knitting Book

I've seen For the Love of Knitting: A Celebration of the Knitter's Art in catalogs and in the bookstore. It looked like one of those books non-knitters give their knitter friends. The kind of book that has taken the bookshelves by storm -- written by non-knitters to capitalize on the recent interest in knitting.

While at the library the other day, after having found "only two books each" for my littles I decided to wander over to the knitting shelves (746-ish in the Dewey Decimal system) and see if there was anything of interest.

And that was two days ago and I've been snatching minutes to read this wonderful book. The articles are by real knitters for real knitters. One article that particularly struck home was by knitter Lela Nargi about excitedly adding to your stash of yarn at a yarn sale and then having to hide it (and eventually get rid of it) because it wasn't as glorious as you thought. Believe me, real knitters do this all the time!

This book is chock full of wonderful articles and short stories that strike at the heart of all knitters. But, more than that. This book is great for those of us who love all things about knitting -- the history, goofy patterns, posters that show knitting. All things knitting!

Check it out at your Library today!

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